Missile Kids, TRASH RABBIT, and Aelita

@magicblock live
@live:location Rabbit Hole, NYC
@live:date 2025-03-16
@live:time 7:00 PM
@live:button_label Tickets At Door
@live:button_link https://www.instagram.com/p/DGek0bSMX_b/?img_index=6
@magicblock live
@live:location Rabbit Hole, NYC
@live:date 2025-03-16
@live:time 7:00 PM
@live:button_label Tickets At Door
@live:button_link https://www.instagram.com/p/DGek0bSMX_b/?img_index=6
VELVETEEN (@velveteenbandlondon) Classic London-based shoegaze. Stream Empty Crush here. FOREST (@s.fforest) Girl-gaze alt-rock. Stream Intravenous French Kiss here. PANIK FLOWER (@panikflowerband) Brooklyn shoegaze-dream-pop. Stream "ocd" here. SUNHILL (@sunhillband) 90s garage-indie-rock. Stream "Wide Awake" here. Keep up with New Colossus Festival 2026 updates here.
Boston trio Vundabar has never been known for just one genre. Their sound has switched from alternative-rock to post-punk to indie-soft-rock, with other deviations. Their latest album, Surgery and Pleasure, takes on a new dance and electronic sound, accented with the intricate guitar sound that the band has become known
@magicblock live @live:location Alphaville, NYC @live:date 2025-03-15 @live:time 5:00 PM @live:button_label Tickets @live:button_link https://dice.fm/event/2wm2pa-dolly-fib-bruiser-and-bicycle-and-more-15th-mar-alphaville-new-york-tickets?pid=be8f0021&_branch_match_id=1428766158697621489&utm_medium=partners_api&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA8soKSkottLXz8nMy9ZLyUxO1UvL1U%2B1TLU0TzQ1sLRItLAvyEyxTUq1SDMwMDJUqytKTUstKsrMS49PKsovL04tsg1OTEssygQAzVQcfEgAAAA%3D
@magicblock live @live:location TV Eye, NYC @live:date 2025-05-22 @live:time 7:00 PM @live:button_label Tickets @live:button_link https://wl.seetickets.us/event/prostitute/641971?afflky=TVEye