RIP EXCLUSIVE: Welcome To Sab's Finds

As an editor-in-chief in the industry, I've found myself discovering and consuming new music on the daily from excessive show-going, song recommendations, or from simply digging for new bands on social media. That being said, I decided that it's finally time to bring you my editorial "finds" playlist after 2 years of running RIP. Introducing: sab's finds, exclusively under Rock Insider Press on Spotify.
You might be thinking, "Why should I care?" The reality is that you don't have to. However, if you've been on the hunt for new music, I'd be honored to put you on. You may have heard of some of these bands before–or they might be completely new to you. You might love or hate what I'm recommending, but the end of the day, this is my finds playlist. There's no hate allowed here; this is simply a chill space for music discovery, and if you have a problem with it, you can start your f*cking finds playlist.
Below are some underrated tracks I've been bumping this month. I recommend you at least give each band a listen (and a follow, if you vibe with them).
"Tacomex" - Witches Exist (@witchesexist)
"Poetas de Cristal" - Wet Iguanas (@wetiguanas)
"throw me a bone" - moss boy (@mossboyband)
"Old Violence" - Uncle Skunk (@uncleskunkband)
"alkaline" - PANIK FLOWER (@panikflowerband)
"Rayado" - Main Era (@justmainera)
"Closer To You" - The Wearing Hands (@thewearinghands)
"At the Door" - FOSH (
"idky why!" - Camp Blu (@campbluband)
"I Wish I Was Not" - ASkySoBlack (@askysoblack)
"College Rock Song #1" - knitting (@knitting_band)
"Kwyjibo" - Good Deli (@delisalami)
"I'm Leaving" - GRASS FED (@grass_fed.wav)
"Hugs From Grandma" - Marvin's Revenge (@marvins_revenge)
"Ampersand" - Tunnel, Joe Lally (@tunnel.0_o)
"It's Almost Like You're Here" - Yndling (@din.yndling)
"I Don't Wanna Know" - Substitute (@substitute.bk)
"Glare" - WIND MILE (@wind.mile)
"Castor" - Cellar Dwellar (@cellardwellarmusic)
"Hello Moon" - Heaven Slight (@heaven_slight)
Stream and save 'sab's finds' on Spotify here.