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What a better way to start the summer than with a scorching new band, SUNBURNT, and their new single "Not About It," which you can stream here


What a better way to start the summer than with a scorching new band, SUNBURNT, and their new single "Not About It," which you can stream here.

Before we get into their single, lets learn a little about SUNBURNT with a short interview with the band.

How did you get your band name?

"The band decided on SUNBURNT as a metaphor for working a long day in the sun. Having been at it for over 15 years, Justin, Will, and Alex know what it’s like to spend days on the road, nights in cramped venues, and a lifetime creating music. To them, SUNBURNT is a badge of honor and a culmination of an adolescence hard at work to find their own sound."

Can you give us a bit of your origin story, how you came to be?

"We do our best to inject a little sunshine into everyday life's ups and downs. Embracing the spirit of Southern California’s pop, alternative, hardcore, and pop punk traditions, SUNBURNT fuses these influences into a tidy and modern package. We all have played in various bands for over 15 years and decided after the pandemic that we still had things to say. The band shuns the shiny themes of modern pop music for a real and personal approach to adult life. SUNBURNT is bringing the heat with no patience for the fake."

Who would you love to collab with or who do you enjoy collabing with currently?

"When it comes to collabing we've been extremely grateful to work with several producers in the LA area. However, we've really started to hone in on our sound when working with producer/co-writer Jayden Seeley. He produced our latest single, 'Not About It' and our upcoming single, 'Repeating.'"

What are some venues that you enjoyed playing at or would love to play at if given the opportunity?

"We're looking to release a few songs and build up a following online and then we'd love to start to open up on showcases in the LA area. In previous bands we've really enjoyed playing The Roxy Theatre, El Rey Theatre, & House of Blues."

When can we expect more music from you all?

"We'll be releasing our next single, 'Repeating' hopefully by the end of next month!"

Very excited to hear what else is to come! Thank you Sunburnt for taking the time to interview with Rock Insider Press. Now back to the new single.

I came across this single on my Spotify, immediately getting vibes of Blink 182 with touches of 5 Seconds of Summer and loving it! "Not About It" has the sound that just oozes summer vacation and a hot summer drive by the beach, hand out the window just cruising. But diving into it further we see that the lyrics are more than just a "catchy tune."

It explores the trappings of adult life and how to operate in a changing world. This single is an ode to the self-conscious, and a direct rebuttal to anyone who thinks they “have it all figured out”.

The song begins with a slow guitar intro, then a steady beat, slowly building with the lyrics:

    "Makin' believe I've been busy

    Stay smiling feeling self pity

    Just want some gratification

    N' uncomfortable situations

    Just take a look in mirror.

    Hoping I'll see a bit clearer

    They'll say that you're not invited

    Here comes a personal crisis."

Within these first few moments, you can hear the feelings of these words and struggle. Then they continue to the chorus saying:

    "I wonder what you'll think of me

    Its out of body

    Its out of body

    And I wonder if you'll ever see

    I'm not about it

    I'm not about it."

These lyrics show their inner struggle, something that I'm sure most of us can relate to.

The band decided to work and co-write with producer Jayden Seely (With Confidence - Hopeless Records) for his talent and artistry in exploring the theme of mental health. “Not About It” combines upbeat, dynamic, yet familiar vibes to produce an endlessly relatable head-bobber.

Keep up with SUNBURNT

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